Nomination papers are available.
Annual Town Election will take place on Friday, May 5th, with the polls open from noon to 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building at 18 Jacobs Road . In preparation for the election, nomination papers are available by contacting the Town Clerk. Anyone who is a registered voter in Heath and is interested in running for office is eligible and welcome to obtain nomination papers. Nomination papers must be taken out by March 15th. The deadline for returning papers with the necessary signatures of 25 voters is March 17th at 5:00 p.m. The following is a list of the offices needing to be filled this year, the official whose term is expiring, and the length of the term.
Position Current Official Term Length
Selectman Brian DeVriese 3 year
Assessor Anne Emmet 3 year
Finance Committee William Emmet 3 year
Planning Board Douglas Mason 5 year
Planning Board Unexpired term 2 year (to fill a vacancy)
Library Trustee Emily Cross 3 year
School Committee Vacant 2 year
Municipal Light Board Anne Emmet 3 year
Municipal Light Board David Gordon 3 year
Constable William Emmet 3 year
Moderator Eric Sumner 3 year
The Annual Town Meeting will be held the following day, Saturday, May 6th, beginning at 9:00 am at the Municipal Building at 18 Jacobs Road.