But Is It Art: A Retrospective of Del Viarengo’s Creations
A posthumous art exhibition featuring approximately 80 works by Heath Artist Del Viarengo
This art exhibition, curated by the Heath Arts Exhibition Committee, is a celebration of the life and boundless creativity of Heath Artist Del Viarengo (1932-2022). Showcasing approximately 80 works, including paintings, reliefs, drawingsand sculptures, the posthumous retrospective is a comprehensive survey of the artist's prolific output over the course of her career. The exhibit will fill the entire Community Hall. Admission is free. The public is invited to an Opening Reception, hosted by the Viarengo family, on Sunday, May 21, from 2 to 4 p.m.
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Posted: to Cultural Council News on Sun, Apr 30, 2023
Updated: Mon, May 1, 2023