Emergency Operations Center
The Emergency Operations Center will be staffed and open if a State of Emergency for the Town of Heath is declared. You may reach the center at 413-337-4461.
The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or Command Center is a place where emergency managers and responders meet in order to direct the response to the immediate incident. Access is limited only to those people who are directly involved and authorized. However, officials will provide a telephone at the EOC for incoming calls to enable people to call in with specific questions or requests for help. The phone number to be used during the emergency will be indicated in the Emergency Alert System (EAS) announcement and on the Town's web site.
For emergencies, DIAL 9-1-1.
FOR VERIZON OUTAGES: Call 1-800-VERIZON (1-800-837-4966) or online at www.verizon.com
FOR VERIZON BUSINESS OUTAGES: Visit www.verizon.com/bizoutage